We are not accepting donations at this time unless otherwise approved by the Library Director. We are revising our donation processes with the hopes that we can accept more items in the future.
We ask that you call or email to schedule delivering donations of more than 1-2 boxes or bags. (607)535-7489 montourfalls@stls.org
DO NOT leave donations on the porch or in the bookdrop. This increases the time and staff needed for general operating tasks. Please reach out if you cannot deliver items during open hours.
Item Donation Guidelines
Donations books, DVDs or Blu-ray, video games, and new magazines (no older than 4 months), can be delivered to the front desk during open hours. Please confirm open hours before delivery and do not leave items on the porch or in the bookdrop.
Items need to be clean and free of pests, dust, and debris.
Items are subject to the same criteria as purchasing and collection management. Material that is not added to the collection will be added to our Book Sale or Adopt-A-Book carts. Unused items may be offered to other organizations or discarded.
Pack items into sturdy, clean boxes, bags, or totes that are easy and safe to carry. Remember, staff will be moving items up/down stairs and lifting items above their head. If the box or bag is too big or heavy to easily carry, please repack items. Staff may select items that we can use and the remaining items will be returned to you before you leave. Please call with any inquiries or if you have a donation of larger volume or of unique items.