STARCat is the Southern Tier Library System’s (STLS) online catalog. Patrons can access STARCat from a computer or mobile device.
- Use STARCat to search for titles in the STLS physical and digital catalog.
Use STARCat to place holds, update contact information, and record checkout history.
STARCat is for managing your account. To access the digital library collection, download the Libby App.
Access STARCat by visiting www.starcat.stls.org
STARCat How-To Guide provided by our friends at Watkins Glen Public Library

Visit starcat.stls.org
Select “My Account” or “Log In”
Select “Forgot my Password” to send a reset link to your email. Make sure you have an accurate email address on file with your library.
Enter your library card number and check the “I’m not a robot” box, and select “Submit.”
You will receive an email with a reset link. Check your Spam, Junk, or Other folders if you don’t see it in your Inbox.

Select the link in the email to reset your password.
Enter your library card number and your new password (twice). Check the “I’m not a robot” box. Select “Update.”
Success! Your password was reset successfully. You can now login and browse, place holds, renew, edit your preferences and details, and more!